Maksym Tymchenko

I am currently finishing my Master's in Artificial Intelligence working on a project about 3D reconstruction and augmented reality applied to neurosurgery. I previosly completed an MEng in Aeronautical Engineering and worked for over 2 years at MathWorks where I learned about Deep Learning and Cloud Computing. I am passionate about solving challenging problems, building things from scratch and seeing the end result of my work.


Here is a selection of the projects that I worked on. These include a Unity3D virtual reality application completed during a summer research, repositories and documentation pages that I worked on at MathWorks and the Python courseworks that I wrote during my Master's in AI.

Unity 3D Projects

Blood Flow Visualisation In VR

Projects Completed At MathWorks (MATLAB)

Artistic Style Transfer App

Fast Style Transfer Example

Fast Style Transfer Example

Robust Deep Learning Training Example

Python Coursework MSc Artificial Intelligence

Connect 4 Game

Tube Map Shortest Path

Battleship Game

Bucket Fill

Deep Learning CNN

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